
MagTense development has been sponsored by the Carlsberg Foundation Semper Ardens Advance project CF24-0920 entitled "Novel magnets through interdisiplinarity and nanocomposites", by the Villum Foundation Synergy project number 50091 entitled "Physics-aware machine learning", by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, grant “Magnetic Enhancements through Nanoscale Orientation (METEOR)”, 1032-00251B, by the Poul Due Jensen Foundation, in the project "Browns paradox in permanent magnets", project nr. 2018-016, by the Independent Research Fund Denmark project, contract. no. 7017-00034. Previously the development of the demagnetization part of the framework has been partly financed by the ENOVHEAT project, which is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark (contract no. 12-132673), and also the Programme Commission on Energy and Environment (EnM) (contract no. 2104-06-0032) which was part of the Danish Council for Strategic Research.

The demagnetization calculation of the prism tile for MagTense is explained in:

Smith, A., Nielsen, K. K., Christensen, D. V., Bahl, C. R. H., Bjørk, R. and Hattel, J.: The demagnetizing field of a non-uniform rectangular prism, Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 103910, 2010.

The demagnetization calculation of the tetrahedron tile for MagTense is explained in:

Nielsen, K.K., Insinga, A.R. and Bjørk, R.: The stray and demagnetizing field of a homogeneously magnetized tetrahedron, IEEE Magnetics Letters, 10, 8918242, 2019.

The accuracy of the demagnetization tensor calculation are verified in:

Bjørk, R., & d’Aquino, M., Accuracy of the analytical demagnetization tensor for various geometries. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 587, 171245, 2023.


The micromagnetic model and its validation again the mumag standard problems is discussed in:

Bjørk, R., Poulsen, E. B., Nielsen, K. K. and Insinga, A. R.: MagTense: A micromagnetic framework using the analytical demagnetization tensor, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 535, 168057, 2021. [or arXiv]

with additional details on computational issues in:

Poulsen, E. B., Insinga, A. R., & Bjørk, R., Direct exchange calculation for unstructured micromagnetic meshes. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 551, 169093, 2022

Insinga, A. R., Poulsen, E. B., Nielsen, K. K. and Bjørk, R.: A direct method to solve quasistatic micromagnetic problems, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 510, 166900, 2020.


Furthermore, MagTense has been used in (at least) the following scientific journal publications:

[11] Bjørk, R., & Insinga, A. R., Explaining Browns paradox in NdFeB magnets from micromagnetic simulations. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 571, 170510, 2023

[10] Pollok, S., Olden-Jørgensen, N., Jørgensen, P. S., & Bjørk, R., Magnetic field prediction using generative adversarial networks. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 571, 170556, 2023

[9] Pollok, S., & Bjørk, R., Deep learning for magnetism. Europhysics News, 53(2), 18-21, 2022.

[8] Bjørk, R., Zhou, Z., The demagnetization factor for randomly packed spheroidal particles, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 476, 417-422, 2019.

[7] Nielsen, K. K., Bahl, C. R. H., Smith, A., Bjørk, R., Spatially resolved modelling of inhomogeneous materials with a first order magnetic phase transition, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50, 414002, 2017.

[6] Nielsen, K.K., Bahl, C.R.H., Smith, A., Engelbrecht, K.,, Olsen, U.L., Pryds, N., The influence of non-magnetocaloric properties on the performance in parallel-plate AMRs, International Journal of Refrigeration, 37, 127-134, 2014.

[5] Engelbrecht, K., Tušek, J., Nielsen, K.K., Kitanovski, A., Bahl, C.R.H., Poredoš, A., Improved modelling of a parallel plate active magnetic regenerator, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46, 255002, 2013

[4] Nielsen, K.K., Smith, A., Bahl, C.R.H., Olsen, U.L., The influence of demagnetizing effects on the performance of active magnetic regenerators, Journal of Applied Physics, 112,094905, 2012.

[3] Tura, A., Nielsen, K.K., Rowe, A., Experimental and modeling results of a parallel plate-based active magnetic regenerator, International Journal of Refrigeration, 35, 1518-1527, 2012.

[2] Christensen, D.V., Nielsen, K.K., Bahl, C.R.H., Smith, A., Demagnetizing effects in stacked rectangular prisms , Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44,215004, 2011.

[1] Smith, A., Nielsen, K. K., Christensen, D. V., Bahl, C. R. H., Bjørk, R. and Hattel, J.: The demagnetizing field of a non-uniform rectangular prism, Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 103910, 2010.

(Note that some of these publications used MagTense in a previous unpublished version)